Photo of walking in the woods


I listen carefully to your experience and am grounded in the humanistic perspective that deeply trusts that your solutions are already inside you. My role is to provide conditions where healing and change are possible.

I offer a non-judgemental approach, with no expectations. Where we go in sessions is based on your needs. Through curiosity and empathy, I collaborate with you to help you grow in self-awareness, and self-acceptance, acknowledging and tending to the parts that hurt and supporting you to uncover your inner resources.

Developing awareness of what lies beneath your difficulties helps you see your options differently, creating conditions for fresh insights and more choices. This is what makes meaningful, lasting change possible in your life.

I integrate approaches from Person-Centred therapy, which focuses on client autonomy and self-actualisation, Gestalt therapy, which emphasises awareness of the present moment, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which examines the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Whether you prefer setting and working towards goals or taking each week as it comes, our sessions are tailored to suit you.

My areas of interest

Whilst I welcome clients from all backgrounds and life experiences, I have particular understanding and experience of issues around pregnancy and faith shifts or deconstruction.

Pregnancy can be an emotionally charged time. It is common to experience uncertainty and anxiety about what is to come. If you have experienced a miscarriage or loss of a baby these emotions can be mixed with grief, sadness and emptiness. I have worked with clients around miscarriage, stillbirth and baby loss, and supported women through subsequent pregnancies. I am interested in the changes that happen in us as we become parents, what it means to us and how we see ourselves.

For many, personal faith and spiritual practices are a deeply supportive part of their lives. However, for those experiencing doubt and uncertainty this can cause deep discomfort and pain, as well as conflict with family or religious communities. I understand the significance of high control religion and the potential abuse of power and religious trauma that can result.